Never before has the consumer had so much control over what, how, and when products or services are available.Latinos view online content and Social Networking sites as a practical resource for their everyday lives. Who and what is influencing us today (social media forums, Radio & TV shows, bloggers?)
Through a dynamic mix of Timing, Creating & Distributing tweets, Facebook, Linked-in and publishing emails, Social Highway will include interviews, workshops and roundtables. Social Highway is about presenting a myriad of good, incisive content to leverage the Social Highways to your advantage. During these segments, you’ll learn:
- The best (and worst) times to get retweets
- The best (and worst) times to post to Facebook
- The best (and worst) times to send email
- The best (and worst) times to publish blog posts
- How to use Inbound Marketing as a lead generator which converts your fans, followers, readers, and subscribers into friends - then customers - then advocates and enthusiasts.
- The best way to expand your Linked-in credentials when searching for a new job
- The best way to use multimedia as an instrument for organizational capacity building
- To best way to Learn how to use the different lanes on the social highways to enhance your existing Channel
- How to ignite mobilization, amplify support, and increase engagement
- Tying online communications to organizational goals/objectives and funding development plans
- How to tap into specialized resources for maximum impact
- Blu-ray players, cameras, tablets and smart phones – maneuvering out of rush-hour
US marketers will spend $3.08 billion to advertise on social networking sites this year, eMarketer predicts. Spending will be up 55% over the $1.99 billion advertisers devoted to social networks in 2010 and will rise by a further 27.7% next year to reach nearly $4 billion.
Where are you on the Social Highway? Email us at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or leave a comment about how you're being socially responsible.